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Painting and retouching, use of the mobile activated carbons extractor

In the specific case of the manual painting by brush or roller, the air treatment in production is fundamental for the safety at work of the operators, so as to protect them from the health risks arising from exposure to dangerous fumes, but it is often not easy to use painting cabins or other containment systems.

Painting and retouching, use of the mobile activated carbons extractor

The use of the mobile activated carbons extractor represents an effective and technically unique solution to secure operators that perform manual painting operations, a brush, can or roller that as we know represent a fundamental technical step in many activities such as shipbuilding or even the end of the industrial line.

In the specific case of shipyards or nautical yards, air treatment in production is essential for the safety at work of operators, so as to protect them from health risks arising from exposure to dangerous fumes, but often it is not easy to use painting cabins or other containment systems, since the operations are carried out on the quay or on large details such as hulls, impossible to contain.

According to the European and national legislations, the air inside of a ship yard must be cleaned by VOC (volatile organic compounds) and SOV (volatile solvent compounds):

  • VOCs are powders of various sizes released during machining, for example, joinery and sandblasting.
  • SOVs are instead small volatile particles of solvents or fumes derived from chemical compounds used in operations such as painting and resining.

In particular, the processes that produce SOV, in addition to the release of different pollutants depending on the chemical agents used, can cause strong and annoying odors both for those who work inside the shipyard, both for those who work in the area around the structure, as it happens with the application of antifouling paint or other chemical products that produce exhalations.

The regulation for the use of antifouling substances is increasingly strict because of the strong pollution of water that these compounds cause, but also for the safety at work of those who work on the construction site and is daily exposed to fumes: in these cases is always required aspirate the SOV to the source to prevent health risks caused by these.

MFV19 mobile extractor with activated carbon has been designed for the aspiration and filtration of the fumes and odours produced during the small painting operations by bottle, roller or brush.

Or by gluing, resining, cleaning pieces, or others that generate volatile organic compounds or solvents.

Thanks to the compact dimensions, the wheels and the handles, it can be easily moved near the processing to be carried out and then aspirate the SOV-COV exhalations using the different accessories available.

In the photo on the right, we can see it in action during the brush application performed at a famous historical nautical shipyard in Venice.

The high working capacity of 1500 mc/h and the filtration with an important quantity of activated carbon (41kg) make it a unique tool in the production landscape of these purifiers.


aspiratore mobile a carboni attivi


Contact our consultants for more information about the MFV19 active carbon mobile extractor cleaner and the other Secureair® mobile extractors .




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